What do you get when you mix three or four scorned women, a philandering rake, a bunch of rope, and some Krazy Glue?
A rather interesting story making its way through the airwaves.
Last month, Therese Ziemann allegedly lured her boyfriend of three months, Donessa Davis, to a seedy motel room, perhaps the kind that rents by the hour. After tying him up with the promise of a sensual massage, she phoned her sister, Michelle Belliveau; Davis's other lover, Wendy Sewell; and Davis's estranged wife, Tracey Hood-Davis. One of these acquaintances whom Ziemann claims to have known for "two minutes" brought the Krazy Glue and things got messy!
Davis charges the cabal taunted him and then Krazy glued his manhood to his leg. The women dispute, claiming they attached his penis to his stomach. I find myself curious about the distinction. Men have been known to exaggerate the size of a certain organ. It seems Davis wants to downplay that feature. Whatever.
With piqued curiosity, I watched a cool and collected Meredith Vieira interview Ziemann who denies being the ringleader of this plan. In fact, Therese (I feel like we can be on a first name basis since I know so much about her sex life) denies even the existence of a plot. Reminds me of one of the reality shows where everyone "coincidentally" shows up at the same party.
Therese confided in Meredith Vieira that "we had a conversation on the phone and all the three girls have their own interests in this. I can only speak for myself and mine has nothing to do with being a scorned woman, nothing." "Tying up Davis was personal between him and me."
In fact, she goes so far as to assert that "nothing was done against his will."
Now, as a fan of Pedro Almodóvar, I have seen "Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!" and get the bondage thing. However, I have yet to hear of a man who was turned on by having his penis permanently glued to another body part. Especially a guy like Davis who has a reputation for "keeping busy" with a plethora of sex partners.
Ziemann and Davis met via Craigslist, the paradigm of dating websites, I am sure. “I’m embarrassed — embarrassed might not even be the word — but I fell in love with him, and I’m ashamed of that, because it was just an actor I fell in love with. It’s not who he is."
So what is the lesson for today?
Girls, Craigslist is like the 99 Cent Store of "dating" websites. At least aspire to E-Harmony or Match.com!
And guys, if you agree to meet a woman in a motel room, make sure that is massage oil and not Krazy Glue!
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