Fall is in the air. Alright. I live in Southern California and the temperature gauge in my car hasn't dropped below 90 during the day. We are in for a long, not spell, fueled by the Santa Ana's. But, the stores are filled with sweaters; my dog-eared September issues of "Vogue," "In Style," and even "People Style Watch" are as tempting as Ben & Jerry's to a dieter.
You can take the girl out of the East Coast but never the East Coast out of the girl. I've put away my white shoes and white jeans. I have been staring at the space bag filled with sweaters and other fall items which currently resides under my bed. I have adapted to our clime. My "uniform" of sorts is a fitted sheath dress or a pencil skirt and a cardigan. When the weather drops, I'll break out the well-heeled boots.
Yesterday's "Today" show featured fashionista Bobbie Thomas and a report about menswear for women, a resurgent trend which pops up nearly every year. One outfit caught my eye. Crisp white blouse, hot pink v-neck sweater, worn with a great tweed pencil skirt and heels. See, I have never been a fan of menswear in direct translation, except maybe in my high school preppy days. If I am wearing trousers, I will pair them with heels and lots of jewelry.
I'm currently reading "The Gospel According to Coco Chanel" by Karen Karbo, a fabulous read about the designer, the quest for Chanel, and plenty of bons mots. (Can't wait for the L.A. book reading in a few weeks!) Chanel was a master at introducing a touch of menswear influence yet maintaining a beguiling feminine look. Coco was the essence of gamine, with her boyish figure and impish personality. When the corseted, long trained looks of the day didn't suit her, she came up with an alternative.
"Fashion fades; only style remains the same." Chanel was right on the money. Take your part in the stimulus package. You don't need to go overboard with the plaids and liquid leggings. Buy a crisp white blouse. Banana Republic has some great variations. Search your closet for a pencil skirt or a great pair of trousers. Consider breaking up an old suit. Shoulder pads are making a comeback, although not as extreme as "Dynasty." Get thee to a tailor. Add your own style. You will always look stylish but never over the top trendy. You'll look professional and will save money in the long-run.
Happy Shopping!
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