Around this time of year, the end caps of supermarket checkout areas are filled with "People Magazines" showcasing the Sexiest Man Alive. The denizens of this list have long included Clooney, Pitt, Damon, Depp, Gere, et al. The cast of the "Oceans Eleven" remakes, Ben Affleck, a handful of buff young TV stars showcasing their pecs, a few real life heroes thrown in for good measure. I'll admit perusing the issue for male eye candy is an interesting diversion while waiting behind someone with a basket filled to the rim with Thanksgiving haul. But, yawn. Ho hum. Same old. Why limit the list to those with a pulse? History is resplendent with film idols, historical figures, and the like with sex appeal up the ying yang. Without further adieu, I present my list of Sexiest Men Deceased.
In Memorium, 2009
2009 marked the passing of quite a few celebrity hotties. While intelligence and a sense of humor would place William Safire and Soupy Sales at the top of the list, I will stick with the more obvious choices, in the tradition of "People" and "E!"
Dennis Cole: American actor, once married to Jacyln Smith of "Charlie's Angels and K-Mart fame. In the seventies, he had a bitchin' head of blond feathered hair and a cute face.
DJ Am/Adam Goldstein: Tall, dark, handsome in a brooding way. Amazing talent. Live fast, die young, leave a good-looking corpse kind of sexy.
Michael Jackson: Talent in the stratosphere. Dancing phenomenon. Enough said.
Ted Kennedy: Power. Last living Kennedy sibling of JFK and Bobby. Kennedy equals sex appeal. The hard living, yachting Hyannisport meets Chappaquiddick bad boy thing doesn't hurt. Nor did his commitment to universal healthcare.
Ricardo Montabaln: Welcome to Fantasy Island. White linen suit, suave, sexy accent. And remember those Chrysler commercials.
Patrick Swayze: "Dirty Dancing," "Ghost" I rest my case.
Still Dead After All These Years...
Humphrey Bogart: "We will always have Paris."
Rock Hudson: Pretty dreamy in those flicks with Doris Day...
William Holden: Hard drinking bad boy, especially in "Sabrina" with his move of filching a bottle of bubbly and two flutes destined for the tennis court...
Bobby Burns, Scottish poet
Elvis: Those lips, those eyes, that deep fried peanut butter and banana???
James Dean: Smouldering...
JFK: See above mention of Teddy...
John F. Kennedy, Jr.
Bobby Kennedy
Sinatra: The Rat Pack had a special glamorous sexiness of its own...
Dean Martin
Peter Lawford
Paul Newman: Those eyes and that salad dressing!
Heath Ledger: Talent and sex appeal in one...
Cary Grant: Elegance personified...
Gregory Peck: My mom's favorite...Those eyebrows and "Roman Holiday"...
I am sure I have left off a slew of others. Please feel free to leave your own suggestions...